Podcast Raleigh
Podcast Raleigh
Donald Thompson, The Diversity Movement
Today we welcome Donald Thompson, serial entrepreneur, investor, author of Underestimated: A CEO’s Unlikely Path to Success, host of the High Octane Leadership Podcast, and CEO of The Diversity Movement.
Don has so much going on that’s making a difference in both the Triangle business community and the nation at large - and the accolades are starting to pile up. He was recently named EY Southeast Entrepreneur of the Year, was awarded the Phil Freelon Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity Award from the Raleigh Chamber, and received an honorary doctorate from William Peace University. For someone who never graduated from college and learned from books, experience, and a drive to outhustle, Don’s story is as inspirational as it is incredible.
Tune in to learn how it all happened for him!
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Today's episode is hosted by Ashton Fisher and Hayes Permar, and is produced by Earfluence.
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