Podcast Raleigh
Podcast Raleigh
Jonathan Melton, City Council member at-large
Jonathan Melton is serving in his second term as an at-large member of the Raleigh City Council, serving on the Economic Development & Innovation and Transportation & Transit Committees. He was inspired by seeing other young leaders run for and take office, and saw a need for the city to have more varying voices making decisions. And calling back on his time as an NC State student, he thinks people in Raleigh can and should have everything they need within walking distance.
We had a great conversation that touched on two big Raleigh topics: affordable housing and community engagement. Additionally he gave us some insight on what exactly a city council member does--and what the city council doesn't have the authority to do. We also touched on his work as a family law attorney and his kickball addiction (that, not surprisingly, is tied to another leadership story!)
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