Podcast Raleigh
Podcast Raleigh
Kerry Painter, Raleigh Convention and Performing Arts Complex
Kerry Painter has managed a lot of different event and performing art spaces in a lot of different North American cities. But the chance to run four great, distinctive spaces like Raleigh's Convention Center, Duke Energy Center for the Performing Arts, Ret Hat Amphitheater and Coastal Credit Union Music Park are what made coming to Raleigh an opportunity too alluring to turn down. We talked to Painter about her first year managing those four city properties, what's going on there now and what the plans are for the future, including recently revealed plans to add a hotel.
We also talk about the city moving away from CACs, new plans in North Hills and we discuss our Question of the Week: what is your most memorable concert at Red Hat Amphitheater and Coastal Credit Union Music Park?
Special thanks to our sponsor, Steele Residential--check them out for buying, selling or renting!
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