Podcast Raleigh
Podcast Raleigh
Elizabeth Alley on City Planning and Zoning
In this episode we continue our discussion of issues we think are important to election season as we discuss planning and zoning with Elizabeth Alley of Stewart, who spent 12 years working for the city of Raleigh in urban design and planning. She tells us some of the recent history of Raleigh's planning, gives us the ABC's of zoning codes, and helps us learn the role of the city's staff and elected officials in making planning decisions.
We also continue to push VOTING because we are officially in voting season (find a lot of useful information here). We also discuss Raleigh's name coming up a lot on network television these days. And, as Raleigh Beer Week winds down, we share our #Top3Raleigh tap rooms.
Thanks to the support from our local, Raleigh sponsors: Express Yourself Paint and Steele Residential. Support them, and tell them you heard about them from Podcast Raleigh!
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